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The HIP Challenge

Client: HIP Studio

Agency: Freelance 

Product: HIP 90 Challenge  

Take me somewhere tropical, I'm bikini ready!

The Brief

HIP Studio executed a rebrand with me as Creative Director. Destined to be a destination for more than fitness, the owners' desired to cultivate community, wellness, and nutritional education.

We executed a new website, newsletter, and blog featuring lifestyle articles. To amp up community and increase membership sales, the studio offered a common goal: craft a long-term wellness program. Getting consumers to purchase a 90-day commitment to health and fitness required an extra personal touch and targeted motivational tactics. Most people want to give up after the first week, membership retention needed a reinvention. 

Creative Approach

When in doubt, write what you know. So I raised my hand for the 90-day health and fitness challenge as patient zero. I stepped into the role as a well intentioned skeptic, hoping to uncover real value and market the experience with a return on personal investment.

Taking a first person narrative, I chronicled my solo mission and published directly to the studio's website, naming the wellness overhaul: HIP 90 Challenge. Consumers devoured personal antidotes, recipes, tips and my every-woman inspiration felt attainable.

"The raw vegan fudge made with dates, maple syrup and cacao was not enough to quench my craving for stick-it-in-your-veins milk chocolate. My pleasure center was seeking more of a triple layer fudge reward. Obviously, my head is in the gutter."

"The long hours of working in TV Production afford little time for a balanced lifestyle. My health was on the industry rollercoaster the past 6 years and I’m ready to put my feet to the pavement."

"Dance Team Jeans by my birthday! Visit me here once a week as I discuss the progress."

"While I haven’t seen a dramatic loss of weight, I’ve had a couple commenters making note of the pep in my step and the shape I’m taking. It takes time, and I’m putting in mine."

"This isn’t over because my day is up, it’s a lifestyle makeover I’m dedicated to maintaining. I had neglected my health by letting stress not only pack on the lbs, but also put my body on a problem path of migraines and fatigue. My change in mindset is a gift that goes beyond the weight loss. It’s the best birthday present I could give to myself."

The Results 

There is something about honesty in advertising that consumers gravitate to. My personal HIP 90 chronicles led to massive sign up sheets, semi-annual membership runs, and spin off studio challenges like HIP 60 and HIP 30. The studio published guidebooks and recipes featuring my initial journey. Together we made videos for remote participation and increased membership sales by 41%. Most of all, consumers saw the promised return for their perseverance. Every client commitment received a nutrition education and earned improved wellbeing, communally as well as individually.  



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