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Fortune Favors the Fearless

Client: Cadillac

Agency: Leo Burnett

Product: 2023 Cadillac Lyriq

Be bold, be brave, be electrifying. Be iconic.

The Brief

In October 2021, Cadillac accepted a limited amount of reservations for the first vehicle in its new electric fleet, the 2023 LYRIQ. With VIN #1 months away from rolling off the line, eager hand raisers secured every available reservation within minutes.


When ordering a LYRIQ became available through dealers in May 2022, Cadillac wanted to use media's megaphone again to tout its electric future. Following Super Bowl LVI, client briefed the agency, hitting the gas pedal on a 360 broadcast and social campaign with a 3-week turnaround from concept to air. 


We called it Ventilator Speed. 

Creative Approach

 Although limited, existing assets were stunning, vibrant, and human. Pulling from the library of LYRIQ, we built a bold language to usher the opportunity to own a piece of the future.

In order to individualize social and broadcast assets for audiences, creative partners and I crafted a visual approach hiring separate teams working simultaneously. Dueling editors maximized creative experimentation and the methodology proved provocative. Clients choose from two different edit styles, each stitching a non-linear spots. These different techniques became platform unique so social assets had a different energy than broadcast, rounding out the campaign quickly.

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The Results 

The visual journey defied time and travel with a dazzling feast of images both abstract and human. The call to action could not be ignored. Clients requested follow-up content to be slated immediately for production, further hyping the LYRIQ Orders date. On May 18th, orders sold out in less than 24 hours.

Clients loved the executions. The content performed exceptionally with audiences, testing high in brand and message retainment. One respondent even mentioned, "This makes me not embarrassed to drive a Cadillac."

Indeed, the new Cadillac EV is nothing like your grandfather's sedan. The future of Cadillac is cool. 

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